Iliachtida – Tania Tsanaklidou

Tania Tsanaklidou sings Iliachtida, a Greek love song which translates to Sunray in English.

Iliachtida is a Greek song that was heard in the titles of a popular TV show some years ago. Although the TV show is not forgotten by many, the song stayed in our hearts, becoming one of the most beloved songs performed by Tania Tsanaklidou. It is truly amazing to see how people react at her live concerts when she starts playing this song.

Iliachtida is the song of deep love; the somewhat unconditional and unique love that hides no egoism in it. No matter how rare that can be, it still exists. Some people can still love in a way that could be expressed with these few words: 

I want to dress with the form of your love,
I want to enjoy the sunrise with you,
precious light please don’t be wasted with no reason.
I want to be with you, but if you choose not to be with me, don’t waste yourself with no reason…

this verse is the meaning of true love, deep respect and appreciation for the other person. It is a truly remarkable verse, that makes the song so special, so tender.

Of course, when the tender lyrics of Iliachtida meet the amazingly sentimental voice of Tania Tsanaklidou, the result cannot be anything else than extraordinary, can it?


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Greek music Greek songs