The lyrics of the song Horis esena by Efstathia translated to English
Horis esena – English lyrics
Without you,life would be
A boring surfing on the internet…
Without you,life would be
an endless relaxation on the sofa…
Without you,life would be Ham without any fat…
Magazines and words without a meaning….
‘Cause when you aren’t here, things are not specific anymore,
like a stupid play, like a reality show…
That’s why I don’t have anything else to say!
A great void, a zero without you…
That’s why I don’t have anything else to say…
No meaning to live, without you…
Without you, life would be…. A pointless waking up in the morning,
Actions only for interest,
Light feelings and public relationships,
Love of nothing and empty promises,
Non funny Jokes and forced laughs,
Re union party, fashion shows, bazaar…
Usual visits to super market, Bags full of nothing …
Vitamins and ginseng Philosophy of Zen
‘Cause when you aren’t here, things are not specific anymore,
like a stupid play, like a reality show… …
That’s why I don’t have anything else to say…
Life has no meaning, without you…