I endekati entoli – English Lyrics

The Lyrics of the song I endekati entoli by Nana Mouskouri translated to English

I endekati entoli – English Lyrics

Take a silent look
at this sinful world
and watch how the earth is burning.
Cross your heart
and if that fire does not burn you
search for one who takes the blame.

Like a humble bird
that has never seen the sky
and walks on the ground,
the eleventh commandment
was not so respected by you
that’s why you are still in pain.

The eleventh commandment
was not so respected by you
that’s why you are still in pain.

It’s new and old
like the glare of the soul,
like the bottom of the heart.
But in this worlds’ fire
where all the papers are perplexed
noone will ever learn about it.

Go and look for Moses
and ask him again
in case he knows
the eleventh commandment
which is a spotless glass
and a sharp knife.

The eleventh commandment
which is a spotless glass
and a sharp knife.

At your cold loneliness
the laughter turns into a damage
and beauty turns into darkness.
That’s life my friend,
it brings the sun in the morning
and fog at night.

So be patient
now that no light won’t be seen
and no ship will arrive.
The eleventh commandment
is known by the crazy
and by the worlds’ slaves.

The eleventh commandment
is known by the crazy
and by the worlds’ slaves.

I endekati entoli 

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