Stamatis Spanoudakis composes and performs Kymata, an instrumental Greek song which translates to “Waves” in English.
Kymata is one of the most known themes composed by Stamatis Spanoudakis. It stands out because it brings you the real sound of the sea and waves that characterize Greece and its islands. It is a melancholic but very powerful and intriguing song at the same time which makes it even more unique.
Stamatis Spanoudakis is one of the most important Greek composers, almost exclusively dedicated to the composition of instrumental music. What is important is that Spanoudakis manages to blend harmoniously several different genres of Greek music, including the Byzantine music, classical and ancient Greek music sounds, creating an absolutely stunning result.
His music is inspired by the nature and history of Greece; Kymata is a characteristic sample of his music because it combines the new Age and modern sound with the sounds of the Greek nature and ambiance. What is really impressive is that listening to this song you have a refreshing and rejuvenating feeling, as if you are close to the sea, on a Greek island spending a wonderful summer time.