Kaiti Garbi sings Viastika, a Greek song which in English means “I rushed”. Viastika is a laika song talking about mistakes we make in relationships and love. Kaiti Garbi singsViastika in a very passionate way.
Sometimes we don’t have who else to blame but ourselves! What do we think – that we are stronger then our hearts, that we can predict the labyrinths of love, that we can control (our) feelings? Why we rush to deny something we don’t know and don’t understand until it’s late? “I had said that I won’t cry, I had said that that I will erase the kisses that you gave me…and now I miss each moment”…What made us said those childish things?
As “Viastika” says, “but life has other opinion” Of course, it does! We can cheat everything but life! “I rushed to say that I forgot you, I rushed to say that I got over you”. Why saying too much too early? Why putting cuffs on your heart? “And now I miss you each moment, and I want you, I want you, I want you more”