The wonderful voice of Alkistis Protopsalti and the magic hands of Stefanos Korkolis come together in a recital full of delightful melodies from old and new Greek songs in the European Tour 2010. The two great performers from Greece join their forces and will depart together for a tour in Europe for One voice and one piano, as they named their tour. The unique Alkistis Protopsalti along with the excellent composer Stefanos Korkolis invite you to sing with them, enjoying the magic that a voice and a piano can offer.
Alkistis Protopsalti European Tour 2010 – Schedule
Exclusive Tour 2010 – Piano & Voice at its best
23.10.2010 Düsseldorf, Savoy Theater
24.10.2010 Frankfurt – Neu-Isenburg, Hugenottenhalle
26.10.2010 München, Freiheizhalle
27.10.2010 Zürich, Volkshaus
28.10.2010 Stuttgart, Liederhalle – Mozartsaal
30.10.2010 Amsterdam, Melkweg
31.10.2010 Brüssel, Palais des Beaux Arts