Mihalis Hatzigiannis sings An m’agapas, a Greek song which means “If you love me”.
An m’ agapas is a new song by Mihalis Hatzigiannis, which was released just a few days ago, a few days before Christmas 2010. It is a love song, of the kind that Mihalis sings with his personal and quite distinctive tone.
An m’agapas is a simple song, speaking a simple truth. If you love me, you set me free and i will be back to you… this is the meaning of the song that talks about the real love that lets people be free but still committed and loyal to their better half. Because love starts and ends to the person that stands on our side.
“If you love me, you will give me the time, you will give me the hour and before you miss me, again I will be next to you,…” sings Mihalis, reminding us how important it is to know what love is, how people can be free in love, and how everyone returns there where he should be when he knows that he is not oppressed and suppressed.
Mihalis Hatzigiannis has released his new album that includes many songs of the familiar tone and music.