Nikos Vertis sings Asteri mou, a Greek song that means My star.
Nikos Vertis made a huge success with the song Asteri mou a few years ago, due to its tender lyrics and his tender voice and nice looks, which created a successful ensemble.
The song Asteri mou belongs to the category of modern laika, as Greeks call this type of songs that have a modern rhythm based on the form of the older laika songs.
Inevitably, Asteri mou is a love song, referring to the birth of a new love and the craziness it creates. “I want to get drunk with your kisses, and wake up in your embrace”… words we all tend to say when we are in love with someone, or we feel our desire growing rapidly. The desire is to become one with the person we like and want, travel inside his/her heart and start a love journey together.
It comes as no surprise that this song was loved by many Greeks, especially if you are in love or getting there!
Lyrics: Giannis Stampoulidis
Music: Giannis Stampoulidis
Performed by: Nikos Vertis