Feggari mou hlomo – Paschalis Terzis

Paschalis Terzis sings “Feggari mou hlomo”, a Greek song which means in English “My Pale Moon”. This is one of the most beloved laika songs you can hear almost everywhere, although it’s already been several years since it was out.

How can sadness be more explicit? You can only sing along with a glass in your hand and ask the universal questions of those left behind: “Where I can find you?” Every hope is lost, even dying becomes unbearable. Only moon and glass are your companions who can still listen to your cries and witness the ocean of your tears. And all that just to find her and tell her, one more time, the last time at least, that you love her: “My pale moon, tell me where I can find my love”

You desperately ask for a favor, while fire from the glasses burs your soul and heart, and “the tear cuts like glass and it cuts my gaze”. The more pale moon becomes and the less fire stays in glass, the more you know – there is no road to your love. There are only nights full of pain and sorrow in front of you. And one more cry you can’t help but repeat again: “Moon, if you see her tell her that I love her”!

Feggari mou hlomo 

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Greek music Greek songs