Despina Vandi sings Lathos Anthropos, a Greek song which is English means “The Wrong Guy”. Lathos anhropos is considered a laiko song, in a modern way.
Well, well, well…Why it happens, and why it happens again…and again. “I found again the wrong guy to love”! What is behind that pattern of our heart that leads us from one failure to another? Old saying teaches us from the early childhood that heart has its own paths and we cannot change them. That heart has one way and mind another – “I once more was not thinking”, says the song.
Some “higher forces” lead us to follow our heart wherever it wants to go.”I was again the looser, the frivolous”. If we are supposed to follow our heart, why we end up being losers? And why it is late to return: “With you my love I have been tied”! There are so many questions this song opens and reopens, so many wounds, but at the same time offers nothing more than resignation. With a wonderful interpretation of Vandi, we just can’t help but sing along