Marinella sings Ligo krasi, ligo thalassa kai t agori mou, a Greek song which means ” A sip of wine, a splash of sea and my boyfriend”. This song was released in 1974 and was the song that represented Greece at the Eurovision song Contest 1974.
The song Ligo krasi, ligo thalassa kai t agori mou sounds more like a catchy commercial song of the National Tourism Organization, since it just advertises the good things that Greece had at that time – or maybe the only good things that you can still find here in abundance.. Wine, sea and love – and sun we may add, but it goes with the sea anyway.
Marinella was not the great Greek diva at that time, but she was very popular even in those early times; the song is funny and in good spirits, although not worthy for her vocal range, and dynamics. The song might not be the best sample of Greek music, but it’s summery and definitely leaves you with a good feeling and a smile. And may we add, that the invitation to Greece for A sip of wine, a splash of sea and love is still on!