Anoixe petra – Marinella

Marinella sings Anoixe petra, an infamous Greek song translated to “Open tombstone” in English. Anoixe petra has to be one of the all time classic Greek songs, and probably the most characteristic song sung by Marinella. The song was heard for the first time in the Greek movie “Gorgones kai magkes” in 1969.

Marinella was not a very known and popular singer up that point, because she was under the shadow of Kazantzidis, but the movie and her impressive performance of that song made her an instant star. Marinella sings a love song about the loss of her love – Anoixe petra literally means “Open stone” but in popular Greek language the stone can refer to the tombstone, especially in cases of despair, fear or loss.

Anoixe petra is a zeibekiko song, and here we see the original clip from the movie, with a very known dancer – actor, Metaxopoulos, dancing the zeibekiko dance following the rhythm of the song.

Anoixe petra 

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Greek music Greek songs