Alkistis Protopsalti sings o Aggelos mou, a Greek song which means “My angel” in English. O aggelos mou is one of her love songs that made a huge impact a few years ago when released and is still among the very beloved ones – not surprisingly we could say because it is a very tender song about that particular person that is so unique and special to us, who manages to change our perception for the world and everything around us.
Our significant other is our angel, even if he is the one who hurts us, who turns the knife in the wound. Even the wound and the pain is different, somewhat sweeter, easier to deal with. In fact, in this song there is one single verse that manages to resume the sense of love for someone in a few simple words: “My angel, my man, my death, you”…
Alkistis was indeed the right person to sing the song because she gave it all the dynamic and tenderness needed.