Paei i agapi mou sings Alkestis Protopsalti, a Greek song about a lost love (how uncommon you will say!) which translates to “My love has gone”.
We will keep saying it; when it comes to Greeks the theme of the lost love is more frequent than the actual celebration of love. Two are the main reasons for that – first of all when everyone is happy and crazy all over won’t sit to write a song. Second, Greeks like the drama in their life and like talking about it, singing, painting, writing about it.
Paei i agapi mou is a ballad originally sung by Alkestis Protopsalti, although it became mostly known later, when a pop idol of the time, Christos Dantis, performed it. The lyrics are nice and catchy, just because they speak the truth about how a person feels when left behind in love: My love has gone, he left me alone in a corner. Don’t we all feel abandoned, like puppies left in some corner when our love leaves us? It’s simple and unfortunately painful.