Ta kormia kai ta mahairia – Eleftheria Arvanitaki

Eleftheria Arvanitaki sings  Ta kormia kai ta mahairia, a Greek song which translates to “Bodies and Knives”.  

The song Ta kormia kai ta mahairia gave the title to the homonym album which became a huge hit in mid 90s, making Arvanitaki even more popular to the audience, and proving that Greek music has gained a very important representative in the world. Arvanitaki worked with Michalis Ganas – who wrote the lyrics once more – and Ara Dinkjian, who again composed amazing music for Eleftheria’s voice.

Bodies and Knives had better not fall into the wrong hands,
Someone is going to get killed,
And who’s gonna take the blame?

The reality of love within just a few lyrics. Wrong choices, wrong hands can actually kill… not physically necessarily, but they can kill dreams, hopes, even souls. And then nobody cares, nobody takes the blame. Bodies and knives change hands, leaving behind scars that hurt and never fade.

Great music, nice rhythm and very realistic lyrics in a song that wrote its own history in Greek Music.

Ta kormia kai ta mahairia 

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Greek music Greek songs